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Yield: 35 – 40 Cajuzinhos



1 can condensed milk

1 cup unsalted toasted peanuts (fine ground in the food processor)

1 tablespoon cocoa powder

1 tablespoon butter

¼ cup unsalted toasted peanuts for decorating




Coat a dinner plate with butter.


In a sauce pan add condensed milk, processed peanuts, cocoa and butter.

Cook over medium heat, stirring all the time with a wood spoon.

When you can see the bottom of the pan while stirring, the dough is done. Pour dough into the plate coated with butter.


Wait half hour or until dough gets cool to the touch.

Roll into cashew form, coat with sugar and add a half peanut to decorate.


Keep in air tight container up to 1 week.

Cajuzinho - Little Cashew

Hi Everyone,


The recipe for today is Cajuzinho - Little Cashew. It is a peanut truffle, and it does not have any cashew in it, but it is shaped like a cashew fruit.  Search cashew fruit on the internet, if you don’t believe me!

It is a delicious Brazilian birthday party candy that has been forgotten, as so many kids have peanut allergies…

When making Cajuzinhos, you can double the recipe.  Just do not try more than 2 cans of condensed milk at the time, as it becomes difficult to mix…

Check this recipe out on the recipe page and watch my video on You Tube.

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